Oct 18, 2022
How did a Hungarian company end up working with such a sports giant brand like Borussia Dortmund? Co-founder and creative director Mark Szegner revealed to us how Pressenger offers a win-win-win situation for the sports industry in an unusual way. Other topics, such...
Feb 28, 2020
Pressenger is proud to announce that it is partnering with FITE, the premier global streaming platform for combat sports, on some unique marketing enhancements for the popular brand. The two companies’ cooperation will feature the use of enhanced, push notifications...
Feb 7, 2020
07/02/2020 A group of 10 ambitious and forward-thinking startups from around the world have been selected as finalists for the Euroleague Basketball 2020 Fan XP Innovation Challenge. A jury of global tech business professionals chose the finalists from among 80...
Feb 5, 2020
Fan Experience & Hospitality Borussia Dortmund continues to improve the digital fan experience for its fans. Together with Pressenger, Borussia Dortmund wants to get further in touch with their fans via the club app by implementing animated and interactive push...
Nov 12, 2018
2018. november 22. csütörtök – HGabor – Egy fiatal, ám annál agilisebb startup alapítóival interjúztunk: a Pressenger a hagyományos digitális értesítésekkel szemben egy animáción alapuló, látványos, így a felhasználók figyelmét sokkal hatékonyabban megragadó, és...